the 2008-2009 creative writing class at St. Gregory College Prep., and we'll be posting our best work of fall, winter, spring, and early summer for your reading pleasure.
And please feel free to comment on the posted work. Critical and encouraging feedback is invaluable to the writing life.
-->I am a senior at St. Gregory. I associate myself with the color bronze. I can only read while lying down. And my motto is that you can achieve anything if you are willing to sacrifice for it.
-->I am Penn Wise. I am an avid American Idol watcher and completely obsessed with Johnny Depp. I am very easily amused, and I take pleasure in the simple things in life.
-->My name is Ariella. I was born in Tucson, AZ, and have lived in the same house forever. My passions are embracing my religion, playing basketball, listening to music, taking pictures, and the list goes on and on...
-->I am Z. I come from an island. I want to pursue art for the rest of my life.
-->I am London, not the city, but the person. I am a senior at St. Gregory. I grew up in Virginia, which is a completely different world from here, and I miss it terribly.
-->I am Rachel Mary Rosenberg, a musician, an intellect, and a radical leftist who, classified as a tiger-petting, peanut butter loving eclectic, is still finding her voice.
-->My name is Anastasia. I was born and raised in Tucson, AZ. I am a junior. The subject I am most passionate about is the visual arts. This year I am taking photography and am enjoying my time behind the lens. The visual arts give me a way to express my creative side.
-->My name is Findabhair. I am a junior at St. Gregory and was born and raised in Tucson, Arizona. I love to write and trade quotes with my friends. My friends know me as a random and outgoing person.
-->My name is David Christopher Lane and I grew up in northern California. The two things I love in my life are my grandparents and my girlfriend. My grandparents have helped me through every struggle I have encountered. My girlfriend has always been there to make me feel happy. I've had many bad experiences in the past, but I am proud to state that I have learned from them and they have made me stronger.
-->My name is Mercedes. New Jersey lives inside me. Dice sit in my rear view mirror as I rap to all the songs that are played. I like to think of myself as laid-back and easy going.
--> My name is Mrs. Young. I'm an English teacher at St. Gregory, and I love what I do for a living. The mainstays of my writing life are Mary Oliver's poetry and my family cottage in Michigan.
"The creation of an entire world in your head, the molding and shaping of characters and their flaws, the conflicts that arise, these are the magical trappings of a writer. And God knows, while that part is hugely satisfying, the thing that let's you know writing is your panacea is when those worlds and characters tell you what happens next. Nothing can compare. That's why I pick up a pen; I do it to have a conversation, an interaction with what makes my mind tick manifested. Yeah, so, that's what keeps me going."
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