
Why i Write

At the end of each day my mind is fraught with stress. The best way to relieve it is to simply write out my thoughts. Everything that flashes through my head is captured, and in placing it in a tangible area, it is possible to decipher how to repair any problems. During work a few days ago, I found myself troubled by the thought of an upcoming math test. As I returned home caked with grime and grease, this notebook from eighth grade lay opened on my bed. How it came to that particular spot? I’ll never know or even care. I wrote. Line after line about how irritating that class is brought such a wave of relief. Keeping stressful thoughts trapped within one’s mind is tantamount to suicide in my opinion.

Writing is the apex of self-expression. In my work, I very much enjoy insinuating subtle ideas into certain sentences. Even now as I write, much about me is being revealed. Obviously the reader is aware that I am a stressed out person who utilizes this strategy as a means of escape, but with careful deduction, it can be concluded that I am also extremely afraid. It is the only successful way to convey human thought to others. I write to show the diverse perspectives on worldy issues.

On a hot, abysmal day when nothing seems to go according to plan, giving one’s thoughts an outlet simplifies everything. It seems peculiar or a waste of time at first, but if given time, the writing will melt away the troubles that plague the mind. Writing for this reason comes off as selfish, however, others can indeed benefit from it. They will see your raw thoughts on the paper, which will most likely cause them to attempt the same thing.

I write to allow others not only access to my own set of beliefs, but to also reveal to them how the basic thoughts the human mind contains are all quite similar. Examples of these are the clichés of teenage stress. I write as someone who is about to enter a whole new chapter of life. Every one of my peers is most likely experiencing the same issues concerning the end of high school. Writing breaks the dam that holds the ever increasing pressure of issues that torment the mind.

Writing will undoubtedly relieve the burdens caused by everyday problems. It can serve to also inspire others to go beyond what is expected in every day activities. I write to allow others a glimpse of insight into the benefits of all this. Some may be fearful to write their thoughts. Do not despair, for no one has to view them. I write in solitude and destroy what is written after the pain escapes, in effect annihilating the horrid memories that have unfortunately brought me woe.


Caitlin said...

Woah. I think I learned more about you in this one piece than I have this entire year being in the class with you. :] It's really well written, creative and revealing. Nice work. :]

sytat said...

Yeah, i think I definitely learned more about you in this piece of writing. I loved the line you used to describe writing, "Writing breaks the dam that holds the ever increasing pressure of issues that torment the mind" because for many people I think this is so true and writing relieves us when we are stressed out about something.