
Everything I Learned About Writing

I learned how to paint words, not only with a thin brush that makes clear lines, but with a thick one that soaks up too much paint. But when this heavily loaded brush is used correctly it makes a majestic smear of color. I learned how to portray my life in a different light, to put a translucent mask over it as a way to disguise the truth but not hide it. The saran wrap film I surround myself with serves as an invisible wall behind which I dance, thinking no one sees me. I learned that sometimes being vulnerable can feel so good. That opening up your heart to be ripped apart or to be embraced is a rewarding experience regardless. From writing I’ve continued to find myself, to find what makes me laugh, cry, yell, dream. I’ve discovered how to pick words and phrases from the stars, and the clouds, the trees and the ocean—how to bring to life an idea I thought could only live within my strange and confused mind. I use writing to share my philosophy on life and love, and because it is something so unexplainable, I use words from the world to help me understand. I’ve explored how to think obscurely about the obvious, and concretely about the intangible. To find the mystery in a sea shell, and the comprehensibility of a dream. I have tried to let others look in to the heart of my emotions, my life, and my experiences, and to recreate events that pieced me together, but at the same time dissected me.

-Isabella Tudisco-Sadacca


Mrs. Young said...

Undoubtedly, you write with a consistent voice. We can see and hear "Izzy" in this piece. I always appreciate your poetic tendencies: "how to think obscuring about the obvious and concretely about the intangible." Great line.

Rachel said...
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Rachel said...

Bella, this piece is very truly to you. I love your stream of metaphors. They make sense, stay consistent, and create a lasting image for me. It is this flavor of description that I love about your writing. Also, the twisting of philosophies that you express here are a perfect reflection how you write. I love it.

Ariella said...

I love this piece so much. I feel like every word and thing you said is so true about you and your writing. I love all the metaphors and nature elements that you added into this piece. I also think its so funny that we both used the painter metaphor. I have loved every moment of your writing this year because it adds so much to you and your life story, thank you. :)

Tyler said...

Izzy, this was so well done. I really liked all of your metpahors. I really liked your first line! well done